I love angels. I have a feeling that angels are all around us. Maybe it's a vestige of my Catholic grammar school days, but I like the sense of protection I feel when I think of Archangel Michael, or the tenderness in the message delivered by the Angel Gabriel. I often think that angels manifest through people, through friends and kind strangers, and perhaps that's why I like to imagine them among us.

I love thinking about the angels announcing the birth of the Christ child to the shepherds in their fields (
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing is one of my favorite Christmas carols). The big, beautiful angel at the top of our Christmas tree brings this glorious image to mind.

I'm not sure how Santa got mixed up in this holy day, but I like to think of him as a magical angel fulfilling children's fantasies. I just hope he shows up with presents to finish decorating our tree!

Wishing you a merry, magical, and mystical Christmas!
wow - your tree looks so pretty. I love that big fancy angel on top. It is the perfect touch. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. And I hope you see the work of angels around you this year.